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As many of you know, one of my favorite things in life is living/working all over the world. I’ve met 100’s of people in my travels that I still keep up with. I see two types of travelers emerge from their experience: One type that constantly tries to relate their experience back to their past experiences. They were enjoying the new place, and you could tell how [...]

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One of the first steps to happiness is owning up to what you are good at. Because if you don’t you are screwing a lot of people around you over. I’m going to share a bit of my story and hopefully it helps you. This has been a painful lesson to learn. Because it has forced me to look at some painful truths. And realize that I’m burning up a lot of unnecessary e [...]

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1K a month to 126K a month (part 2)

We were updating a post from June 2016 about our 3K to 73K campaign. As of December 2016, this campaign was up to 126K a month (originally posted on You can read the original article here:  3K to 73K a month campaign by clicking here. So what happened to take the campaign from 70K/month to 120K a month? Truth is, at this size it takes small ch [...]

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4 Insights of a 3K to a 73K a month Reverse Marketing campaign

(Original article was posted on BD Growth Partners) Reaching 50K+ a month in business takes a good amount of work. Even if you have the understanding of your market, you have to implement some key insights. Here are some key insights from a client campaign that we took from 2K to 73K a month within 5 months. My client was struggling to get his message to convert onl [...]

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What 7 Figure Business Owners Do That Struggling Business Owners Don’t

Have you ever looked at someone who had a 7-figure business and wondered why they were so successful? From the outside, the difference isn't obvious. The problem is, most business owners struggle to ever break six figures. When they get stuck they go rip off someone else’s business model and sales copy (info-market anyone?) Yet, they still fail to get results. Wha [...]

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Transformational Marketing - What It Is And Why Your Business Depends On It

Many people have tried to pin the difference between 7 figure companies and companies that are broke. Transformational marketing is the difference. I’m saying this not on observation but after hands-on experiences working with over 30 businesses grossing over three million dollars in revenue. This experience has taken me to 50 countries around the world and allowed me t [...]

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Why Info Products Fail To Get Results

Commitment Is there a more misunderstood word in our language?  We throw commitment around like a rag-doll at a slumber party.  Yet without the depth of knowledge on what commitment really is, your business will struggle. I screwed this one up for 8 years of my life.  For 8 years I was committed to collecting information and not getting results.  Didn’t seem like it [...]

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Information vs. Transformation

Transformational marketing makes a difference. What happens when you say you want to make $200,000 dollars?  Or you want to take that beach trip? When you say you want something, does it happen?  Do you stop wanting things because they don’t end up happening and it disappoints you? Most business owners I come in contact with have a hard time reaching those goals (w [...]

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