You see hype in marketing all over the place. Just look in your Facebook newsfeed (Facebook is cleaning this up now). Check you mailbox. Everywhere online.

If you’re using this today in your business, it’s costing you big money.

The question you may ask is: Why is everyone else doing this?

And the answer is because they’ve been told it works.

Really, that is just a lie by omission.

If you saw the bank accounts of the info-companies who said it works you’d know what I mean.

Now, look at where the SMART money is… The marketers who are truly making money hand over fist… Turning massive windfalls of profits… You’ll see that they are using a very different type of marketing.

They’ve learned that selling “hype” doesn’t work for these 5 reasons:

 Why Selling Hype Doesn’t Work

    1. It Attracts The Wrong Type Of Customers If you’ve ever owned a business and attracted the wrong kind of customers, you know what I mean. If your product involves your prospect having to do anything to get a result, hype can stop you dead in your tracks and opens you up for lawsuit. Just ask REDBULL who was just sued for 13 million dollars for falsely claiming, “It gives you wings”. For a small business, these types of customers are disastrous.


    1. Great Customers Don’t Like That Type Of Marketing – Let me tell you a secret: Great customers – The ones that stay for years and years, buy everything you own and get massive results from your products… They don’t like those types of ads.One of the first things I learned after focusing my time on signing lucrative deals is people who are solid earners (over $100K) like marketing that is classy. They are not the “opportunity seekers” hypey marketing attracts. Though if you can demonstrate to this crowd, you can help them, they are HAPPY to pay you premium fees so long as you deliver.


    1. It brands you as a snake oil salesman: I’m sure you’ve seen used car salesman described this way. You know the ones going to say anything to make a sale. Lie to your face. All they care about is their income and could care less if you fell in a ditch after they made the sale.If you do a little digging around online, you see that is exactly how people refer to people who write “hypey” marketing pieces as well.Not good for long term business.


    1. Most Paid Ad Networks Don’t Allow It: If you’re heard anything about the Facebook crack down that’s happened (Read about it here), you know Facebook was targeting companies who were selling “get rich quick, do nothing and loose weight, etc.” Much of it had a hard sales pitch and hyper internet marketing claims. Google cleaned up the user experience years back as well.The reason being that most people HATE those ads. Especially the higher end clientele who do much of the purchasing. Both ad networks would like to match their user experience (hence the term native advertising).The ad networks give you the best chance at expanding your business rapidly in the future. It’s not possible with paid ads.


    1. It Just Plain Doesn’t Work: Think about it – wouldn’t Facebook and Google allow things if they worked to get clients? Of course. They are in the business of making money as well. The truth is, writing “hypey” copy just doesn’t work. I burned through tens of thousands of dollars of sales copy and paid traffic to discover on my own that “hype” doesn’t sell. Ask other successful business owners as well and they’ll tell you the same thing.


What works 10 times better is writing marketing that magnetically attracts your ideal client and flies under the radar. It’s a type of marketing that bonds you with your audience and shows you are first and foremost there to help.Ask any marketer and salesman in the world, and they’ll tell you that when you get to those situations, what I call “stealth selling”, it’s the most powerful place to sign clients effortlessly on the planet.


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About the Author Bryan Rider

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  1. Great post Bryan. And so true. As a professional copywriter to some big name companies I can tell you that they still haven’t figured out the lessons you share above.

    And their sales are starting to show it. The marketplace has changed. the consumer is smarter and more jaded than ever.

    As you mentioned, hype will make the phone ring… you just may not like the caller on the other end.

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